“A child, offering its sweet smile, its gentle good faith… lets wander astonished and delighted eyes, everywhere offering its young soul to life”
– Victor Hugo
À votre service.
PFS exists to take the bugs out of travel to Paris before you leave the comfort of home and to give you peace of mind while you are here.
While we are called “Paris for Seniors” you don’t need to be 50 (that’s a senior here in Paris!) to call on us. We really just consider ourselves “your gentle guide to Paris”
SAFETY & MOBILITY – Perhaps you, or a family member with mobility or health issues, are coming to Paris and getting around the city, in addition to healthcare and safety, are a concern.

Keith Spicer, far left, and his daughter, Geneviève, far right, are the founders of PFS and are pictured here with the wonderful Cecilia and her husband on a special graduation trip for their 18 year-old daughter.
A Local Travel Companion
Maybe you are traveling on your own and you don’t speak a word of French and feel a bit nervous about navigating this busy cosmopolitan capital.
Milestone Trips
Perhaps you’re planning a special milestone trip for yourself or a loved one and you want to organize something really extraordinary for them.
Travel “En-Famille”
Maybe you’re dreaming about “grand-travel” (travel with your grand-children) or “multi-generational family travel but the very thought of managing the interests, physical capabilities and energy levels of different age groups is daunting.

Keith Spicer, far left, and his daughter, Geneviève, far right, are the founders of PFS and are pictured here with the wonderful Cecilia and her husband on a special graduation trip for their 18 year-old daughter.
Nos Services
This is where we come in. PFS core services include: “Mon Ami in Paris” trip planning and facilitation service which includes our “Help Me” – emergency liaison service. We also offer the “Promenade dans le 5ème” walking tour and special day-trip planning outside of Paris. PFS visitors also benefit from our special reduced-rate airport/train station transfer service.
As a family-run business working with the best service providers in town, we pride ourselves on the special attention we offer all of our clients-including seniors and travelers with disabilities who need some extra TLC to make their trip special and secure.
Our fully bilingual (English and French), Paris-based team specializes in customized, pre-trip consulting and planning and on-site orientation and facilitation. We also give private, go-at-your-own pace walking or wheel-chair assisted tours —not the kind where you struggle to keep up with a yellow or red flag and strain to hear your guide!
If walking is not your favorite option, let one of our specially trained PFS drivers give you and your travel companions a private day or night “Top Ten” monuments tour of Paris, a day-trip to Giverney or Versailles or take you on a fun shopping trip.

Notres Autos
Our “PFS Prestige Tour” vehicles are new, clean and air-conditioned and our drivers have their professional designation as Chauffeurs de Voiture de Tourisme (official tourism drivers) which means they have special parking privileges which allow them to park and stop almost anywhere so that you can take pictures or break for lunch on a terrace. They also have their Sauveteur/Sécouriste card and are trained to handle potential emergency situations.